World biodiversity day

World Biodiversity Day 🍃🦦

World biodiversity day is celebrated each year on 22nd of May.On this biodiversity day in 2024 the theme is ” Be Part of the Plan”.This theme is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework ,also referred to as the biodiversity plan.

Biodiversity, is the living fabric of our planet.It underpins human well-being in the present and future . With the human civilization and the development of the technology and science, the human activities toward the planet and ecosystem is being increased in each field .Sometimes these human activities are given negative impacts to the natural resources like water,land,air and to eco- systems,climate .As the result of it now the biodiversity is being decreased and lost .Some species have been lost in the world and many animal and plant species are threatened in the present and future .Focusing on the impact on world biodiversity, many international organizations, institutes, and governments have worked, taken actions, and established global policies and frameworks to stop and decrease biodiversity loss.

To achieve these global goals, each stakeholder should be part of the plan. This year, the whole world is talking about the plans and the importance of our world biodiversity.Let us work for preservation of our planet and the biodiversity with correct actions.

✒️Article Written by-:Jayani Bimsha
🎨Post Designed by-: Prabodha Adhikari