What is carbon Footprint


“Earth provides enough to satisfy everyman’s needs, but not everyman’s greed”
-Mahatma Gandhi-

Currently, the Earth is experiencing a climatic crisis. The major reason for this is the emission of greenhouse gases in a higher level, due to human activities. Carbon footprint is a method used to track down the emission of greenhouse gases. It helps the people understand that they are leaving their footprint on Earth upon their mindless actions.
By definition, Carbon Footprint is the total greenhouse gas emission caused directly or indirectly by an individual, organization, event, or product. When calculating Carbon footprint, aspects such as food, household emission, and personal transportation are considered. Socio-economical status of the considered authority, and the country of residence can also influence the calculation. Carbon footprint is measured in tonnes of emission and then converted into carbon dioxide equivalent.
Higher value for carbon footprint indicates that the emission of greenhouse gases is greater. Thus, it means that the relevant authority is contributing more negatively towards the environment, i.e. pollution and global warming. It can affect the ecosystem and wildlife in an adverse manner. The value can be reduced by taking personal action to conserve energy, following proper diet patterns, and by using sustainable transportation. Initiatives of government by forming policies to conserve energy and to develop renewable energy sources also can help reducing carbon footprint.
Reduced carbon footprint mitigates climatic change. It improves air and water quality, and also aids in saving energy and money. In conclusion, reduction of carbon footprint is beneficial. Therefore, every individual who lives on this Earth should take action reduce carbon footprint. It’s also our responsibility to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.

“Reduce your carbon footprint; Be as gentle as you can with Mother Earth”
-Philip Arnold-

Description by: Branavi Yogeshwaran | Faculty of Science

Post designed by: Prabhavi Pathiranage | Faculty of Arts