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Thought 1.1

Thought 1.1

Thought 1.1 was organized as the second step of thought 1.0 which was conducted by Dr.Dilani Hettiarachchi under the theme “Essence of volunteering” on 7th March 2024.The theme of thought 1.1 was “Volunteering experiences” which mainly focused on the active volunteers of Rajarata ZeroPlastic Community.The active volunteers were selected from the media team,PR team & the project organizing commitees which held until May.

The project was held via zoom platform on 19th June 2024 at 6pm with the participation of 100 members.On that day, 17 volunteers shared their success stories with others.Most of members have created power point presentation to present while their speeches.Each volunteer delivered a key message to the participants through their story & that message was shared through social media.

The main purpose for this session is to create an opportunity to share volunteering experiences with others & can be a chance to value their hard works.The key aspects they talked about were experiences they gathered from Rajarata ZeroPlastic Community,skills they have identified & developed,things they have added to their life,benefits of being an active volunteer,suggestions for future projects etc.Another purpose of this project is to motivate other members towards volunteering & share a message to be active in ZeroPlastic Community works.

Thought 1.1 can be considered as a successful project of Rajarata ZeroPlastic Community with positive comments came from participants,active volunteers & executive members.

Janithya Dissanayake
Director of Fellowship
ZeroPlastic-Rajarata University of Sri Lanka