We are Online Market of organic fruits, vegetables, juices and dried fruits. Visit site for a complete list of exclusive we are stocking.


12th Floor, New Building, SLIIT Campus, New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka.




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Tag: #ZeroPlastic#ZeroPlasticSUSL#Sustainability

Sustainable living

In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of sustainable living cannot be overstated. With environmental challenges becoming increasingly dire, it is crucial for each of us to contribute to a healthier planet. Small changes in our daily routines can collectively make a significant impact. Here are some simple, yet effective, tips to inspire change and promote...

Inspire Change and Promote Sustainable Living – A Dreamy

Encounter with a Sustainable City I saw a dream, where I was wandering through a city changed due to the power of sustainability. The air was free from pollution and it makes me breath freely. I heard the sound of bicycles and the soft rustling of trees instead of roar of traffic. Perhaps this dream...

Promoting sustainable living style with glass bottles over plastic bottles.

As consumers become more aware of sustainability, many are making the switch to a greener alternative – glass water bottles.In the sustainable journey, using glass bottles are instrumental in crafting an eco – world. Glass bottles offer several key advantages over the plastic bottles. Glass is infinitely recyclable without any degradation in quality. Plastic, on...