
International Labor Day

International Labor Day

Working People’s Day; May 1 International Labor Day to celebrate ‘Hemakat’ Heroes ———— It’s really working people who come together to celebrate May Day, with red bloodied memories that began with a sleepless revolution, and that countless workers have sacrificed their lives to this day. In other words, Labor Day is celebrated by the people […]

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Think for a moment

Think for a moment …..

When it comes to plastics, it has become more prevalent among the masses due to the fact that it is the cheapest application available in the market, but the link between plastics and the environment is a catastrophic relationship that is incalculable in cost. This is because the existing natural resources are being destroyed to

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Earth Day

Earth Day

“Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.” – Dolores Huerta As individuals, we have the simple yet effective power to make our voices heard through our choices, our civic actions, and our personal interactions. Today is the Earth Day. Today’s the day to

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Eco Products

Eco Products

“Chemicals in plastic can leach out of the plastic and enter into the food and beverages we eat and drink. Some of these chemicals have been linked to health problems such as metabolic disorders (including obesity) and reduced fertility. So, if you are someone who wants to improve your personal health and wellbeing and help

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