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Promoting Sustainability with zero waste.

Promoting Sustainability with zero waste.

In celebration of International Zero Waste Day on March 30th, the ZeroPlastic Community at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka organized a timely and informative webinar on the topic of sustainable living. The guest speaker for this event was Mrs. Leonie Vaas, the Head of Sustainability at Hayleys Fabric PLC, a leading textile manufacturer known for its commitment to environmental responsibility.

The primary objective of the Zero Waste Webinar was to provide the university community and interested attendees with a comprehensive understanding of how to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. Mrs. Vaas, with her extensive expertise in the field of sustainability, delivered an engaging and thought-provoking presentation that delved into the various aspects of zero-waste living.

During the webinar, Mrs. Vaas emphasized the importance of reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling to minimize our environmental impact. She shared practical tips and strategies that individuals can incorporate into their daily lives, such as switching to reusable shopping bags, reducing single-use plastics, and composting organic waste.

Additionally, Mrs. Vaas highlighted the significant role that businesses, like Hayleys Fabric PLC, can play in promoting sustainable practices. She discussed the company’s initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, implement circular economy principles, and collaborate with stakeholders to drive positive change in the industry.

The webinar attracted a diverse audience, including students, faculty members, and community members, all eager to learn and contribute to a more sustainable future. The attendees actively participated in the Q&A session, raising thought-provoking questions and sharing their own experiences and challenges in adopting a zero-waste lifestyle.

The success of the Zero Waste Webinar underscores the growing awareness and commitment to sustainability within the Sabaragamuwa University community. By providing a platform for knowledge-sharing and inspiring action, the event has set the stage for further initiatives and collaborations that will advance the university’s sustainability goals and contribute to the broader movement towards a greener and more resilient future.