It’s time to change

Over 300 million tons of plastic are produce every year for use in a wide variety of application. Plastic pollution threatens food safety and quality, human health, tourism and also the climate change. What we can do? Recycling and reuse of plastic products, and support for the research and innovating to develop new products to replace single-use plastic are also necessary to prevent and reduce plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is the most widespread problem affecting the environment. Plastic, which is petroleum product also contribute to global warming, it release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Thereby it effects the climate change.

There are a number of things that we can do-running public awareness campaigns, offering incentives for recycling, asking the restaurant you frequent to stop using plastic straws, bring your own coffee mug to work to pressuring your local authorities to improve how they manage your country and your city’s waste. Every single country is part of this plastic Crist. And every single one must be part of the solution. In present many countries stand out for the total ban on the production and use of plastic bags. We’ve seen a lot of positive action, but the truth is we all need to do more. There will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. Still we have the time to change. Start it from you-start it from your

Stop using plastic. “Each one of can make a difference, together we can make a change

Written by: Avanthi Wathsala Yapa,
Sabaragamuwa University