
What is carbon Footprint

WHAT IS CARBON FOOTPRINT?🍀👣 “Earth provides enough to satisfy everyman’s needs, but not everyman’s greed” -Mahatma Gandhi- Currently, the Earth is experiencing a climatic crisis. The major reason for this is the emission of greenhouse gases in a higher level, due to human activities. Carbon footprint is a method used to track down the emission […]

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World paper bag day

ලෝක කඩදාසි බෑග දිනය වෙනුවෙනි…🛍 අපි සෑම වසරකම ජූලි 12 වන දින ලෝක කඩදාසි බෑග් දිනය සමරන්නෙමු.එය කඩදාසි බෑගය සැමරීම සඳහා කැප වූ දිනයක් මෙන්ම තිරසාරභාවය සහ පාරිසරික සංරක්ෂණය ප්‍රවර්ධනය කිරීමේදී මෙම බෑගවල දායකත්වය පිළිබිඹුව සඳහා වෙන්වූ දිනයක් ලෙස සැළකේ.ප්ලාස්ටික්,පොලිතීන් ඇතුළු අනෙකුත් විෂ රසායනික පෙරටු කරගත් ද්‍රව්‍ය පිළිබඳව සළකා බැලීමේදී එම ද්‍රව්‍ය අධි භාවිතය බැහැර

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Legislative Innovations: Pioneering Solutions to the Plastic Crisis

We are thrilled to announce the formation of the Law Student Alliance of the ZeroPlastic Movement! This groundbreaking club unites law students from all faculties and colleges across Sri Lanka with a shared mission: addressing the legislative gaps in environmental protection, greenwashing, and plastic pollution. Why the Law Student Alliance? Plastic pollution is one of

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The ZeroPlastic Movement’s Climate Change Hackathon

In the fight against climate change, it’s crucial to have science-based decision-makers, leaders who understand the intricacies of climate science, and innovative youth ready to develop practical solutions. The ZeroPlastic Movement is spearheading an initiative designed to meet these needs head-on: the Climate Change Hackathon. This series of events aims to foster a new generation

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Nurturing Genuine Sustainability: A Call to Action for Sri Lankan Banks

Sri Lankan local banks have made commendable strides in engaging with sustainable activities like beach cleanups and tree planting, showcasing their dedication to environmental well-being. These initiatives demonstrate a genuine concern for the planet and its communities, a step towards a more sustainable future. However, in this pursuit, it is crucial to maintain authenticity and

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ZeroPlastic Movement Recognized by The Climate Tribe in UAE

We are elated to share a momentous recognition that underscores our unwavering commitment to combat plastic pollution and drive sustainable change. The ZeroPlastic Movement has been featured on The Climate Tribe multimedia platform in the UAE, led by the passionate sustainability advocate, Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan. The Climate Tribe

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World Cleanup Day 2023

World Cleanup Day Unites Sri Lanka in a Triumph of Environmental Responsibility

“Over 680 Cleanup Initiatives Bring Communities Together for a Cleaner, Greener Future” In a remarkable display of unity and environmental stewardship, Sri Lanka celebrated World Cleanup Day with unwavering commitment and enthusiasm. Coordinated by the ZeroPlastic Movement and the Central Environmental Authority, with invaluable support from the Star Garment Group, this nationwide endeavor saw over

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Celebrating a Transformative World Cleanup Day with ZeroPlastic Movement

In a testament to collective dedication and a shared vision for a cleaner Sri Lanka, World Cleanup Day was celebrated with unparalleled enthusiasm and meticulous planning. The ZeroPlastic Movement, in collaboration with the Central Environmental Authority and invaluable support from the Star Garment Group, orchestrated over 680 cleanups across the nation. This monumental effort was

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